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About Us


I have been involved in music for many years, playing in rock bands, song writing and recording with various musicians all over the North East of England . My song writing has been a passion for many years , and was excited when one of my songs was chosen to be played on radio 1.

Since being in serenity , things have moved fast and changed . i have managed to incorporate many different percussion instruments into the set , and feel this brings one of the unique aspects for the Duo . The most recent member of the family is the electric violin , which has been a challenge , but a positive one .

I also record all our backing tracks , which again are very bespoke to us , again enjoying learning sound production and mixing techniques . 



I first started playing the guitar in my teens, and have entertained at weddings and gatherings for many years. The first song I remember learning to play was Peggy Sue by Buddy Holly. Now I am playing anything from The Stones, Beatles, lady gaga, Free, and Munford and Sons.  Quite an achievement from a young lad who grew up on Slade and Cliff Richard!

I am very passionate about my music , and work hard to perfect my style that is so much a part of Serenity .


We have been playing as Serenity since 2010. In that time we have achieved very positive reaction from the public and landlords throughout the North East and beyond. 

We have built up a positive circuit of pubs, clubs, hotels and restaurants, who book us on a regular basis, we have also played at weddings, and private parties and race course events , which we gained from personal recommendations.

We both love what we do and we are also extremely enthusiastic about the music we play. 

 We have a good compact Bose sound system,  and a smaller system , so can cater for large or smaller venures. 

We are  fully PAT tested and insured 
